Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sample Driver Script for QTP Keyword Driven Framework

The below mentioned framework script is prepared to add three sheets in the runtime data table and retrieve the data from an external excel file. Based on the retrieved data and keywords remaining functions will be executed. Finally the updated runtime results data is exported to external excel file.

Adding sheets to runtime data table

' Adding sheet for Module
DataTable.AddSheet ("Module")
' Adding  sheet for Testcase
DataTable.AddSheet ("Testcase")
' Adding sheet for Teststep
DataTable.AddSheet ("Teststep")

'-- Importing sheets from an external excel file

' Importing data of Module sheet  from external excel file
DataTable.ImportSheet "Path of the excel file",1,"Module"
' Importing data of Testcase sheet  from external excel file
DataTable.ImportSheet "Path of the excel file",2,"Testcase"
' Importing data of Teststep sheet  from external excel file
DataTable.ImportSheet "Path of the excel file",3,"Teststep"
' Getting the total number of rows in the Module sheet
' For loop is started here for Module data
For i=1 to Mrowcount
    ' Setting the first row in the Module sheet
    ' Getting and Assigning the value of current row  to Mflag
    If Mflag ="Y"  Then
        ' If Mflag = Y, assigning the current row value to ModuleId
        ModuleId= DataTable.Value (1,"Module")
        ' Getting the total number of rows in the Testcase sheet
        TcrowCount=DataTable.GetSheet ("Testcase").GetRowCount
        ' For loop is started here for Testcase data
        For j=1 to TcrowCount
            ' Setting the first row in the Testcase sheet
            Datatable.SetCurrentRow (j)
            ' Getting and Assigning the value of current row  to ModuleId1
            ' Getting and Assigning the value of current row  to Tcflag
            If ModuleId=ModuleId1 and Tcflag="Y" Then
                ' If  ModuleId = ModuleId1 and Tcflag = Y, assigning the
                  current row value to TcId
                ' Getting the total number of rows in the Teststep sheet
                ' For loop is started here for Teststep data
                For k= 1 to TsrowCount
                ' Setting the first row in the Teststep sheet
                ' Getting and Assigning the value of current row  to Tcid1
                    If TcId= TcId1 Then
                        ' If TcId = TcId1, assigning the current row value to
                        keyword= DataTable.Value(3,"Teststep")
                        ' Select Case statement is started here
                        Select Case keyword
                        Case "lN"
                        ' If keyword = IN, execute Login function and assign the
                          value to res
                        ' Write the value of res to Teststep in the runtime data
                        Case "CA"
                            ' If keyword = CA, execute Close_Appl function
                        Case "OP"
                            ' If keyword = OP, execute OpenOrd function and 
                              assign the value to res
                            ' Write the value of res to Teststep in the runtime
                              data table
                        ' End of Select Case statement
                        End Select
                    ' End of If statement for Test Step sheet
                    End If 
                ' End of For loop for Teststep data
            ' End of If statement for Testcase sheet
            End If 
        ' End of For loop for Testcase data
    ' End of If statement for Module sheet
    End If
' End of For loop for Module data

'--- Exporting results
' Exporting the runtime data sheet of Teststep to external excel file
Datatable.ExportSheet "Path of the file where you want","Teststep"

' Need to define functions like Login, Close_app and Openord

'---  Login function

' function definition for Login
Function Login()
End Function

'--- Close application function

' function definition for Close_Appl
Function Close_Appl()
End Function

'--- Openord function

' function definition for OpenOrd
Function OpenOrd()
End Function


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  2. great post, it was very helpful. Thanks

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
